{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "CentralValleySteelhead", "guid": "EEDA0240-AAF4-4959-82F1-2E42A883434E", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Species range layer for Central Valley steelhead, showing HUC12s with presence types for Extant Range - Expert Opinion and Historical Range - Expert Opinion", "description": "Species presence data in this dataset provided by the following datasets and interpreted by PISCES: Moyle, Quinones and Bell (direct addition), Lindley et al. (Lindley_et_al_2006 Historical population structure of Central Valley Steelhead.pdf), Lindley (cvsalmonid_steelhead_historic), . This layer was generated by PISCES on 02/27/2015 06:12 PM", "summary": "Species range layer for Central Valley steelhead, showing HUC12s with presence types for Extant Range - Expert Opinion and Historical Range - Expert Opinion", "title": "Hardhead Distribution by Hydrologic Unit Code 12", "tags": [ "range", "inlandWaters", "hucs", "Central Valley steelhead", "fish", "california", "species", "SOM06", "PISCES", "Oncorhynchus mykiss", "huc12", "huc_12", "boundaries", "taxa", "environment" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/{982AE976-17EA-4B3E-B9CB-79F14E43A1D9}.png", "url": "http://atlas.cws.ucdavis.edu:6080/arcgis/services/PISCESRangeMaps/CentralValleySteelhead/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -123.148021561389, 36.3259068835353 ], [ -119.075348140578, 41.4114694562972 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers", "accessInformation": "Andy Bell, Rebecca Quinones, Jacob Katz, Peter Moyle, Nick Santos, Joshua Viers, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences Michael Kellett, US Forest Service, Region 5 Fisheries Program Steve Goldman and Kevin Shaffer, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch Ron Yoshiyama, Molly Stevens, Bjorn Erickson, and Joe Kiernan, UC Davis Kurt Fesenmeyer, Trout Unlimited Steve Lindley and Sarah Paddock, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Data generated by PISCES: A programmeable information system for management and analysis of aquatic species range data in California (Santos, Viers, Katz, and Moyle, 2014)", "licenseInfo": "" }