{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "MegaRichness", "guid": "F191A69B-CD95-4960-B0E0-D2C3549E4D20", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Mega Diversity layer. Generated by PISCES on 10/07/2014. See metadata and PISCES documentation for more info. ", "description": "-------- BASIC RICHNESS --------\nnative_richness: integer. Raw alpha richness as count of number of native fish species in the HUC across PISCES.\nnative_qc_richness: integer. Same as above, but only for species in a data collection that is qced\nnative_qc_historic_richness: integer. Same as native_qc_richness, but only for historic data types\n\nnonnative_richness: integer. Alpha richness of nonnatives. \nnonnative_qc_richness: integer. same as previous, but for data in qc dataset.\n\nall_richness: integer. Alpha richness of all fish species (native or nonnative) in PISCES, does not include amphibs and reptiles, etc.\nall_qc_richness: integer. Same as above, but for qced data. \n\nsens_nat_rich: integer. Richness of sensitive native species. Alpha richness of native fish taxa in PISCES where the Moyle 2011 average score = 0. Uses the field Species_Aux.Average in PISCES for the score.\nsens_nat_qc_rich: integer. Same as previous except only for qced data in each HUC12\n\nsens_nat_assem: Assemblage of sensitive species in the HUC12 where sensitive is defined as in sens_nat_rich\nsens_nat_qc_assem: same as sens_nat_assem, but only for qc taxa\n\n-------- SENSITIVITY STATS --------\navg_sensitivity_score: real (decimal). The average score (Species_Aux.Average) for all taxa in the HUC12\navg_sensitivity_under3: real (decimal). same as above, but only including species with scores = 0\navg_sensitivity_under2: real (decimal). same as above but =0\navg_sensitivity_under1: real (decimal). same as above but =0\n\navg_qc_sensitivity_score: real (decimal). The average score (Species_Aux.Average) for all QCed taxa in the HUC12\navg_qc_sensitivity_under3: real (decimal). same but =0\navg_qc_sensitivity_under2: real (decimal). same but =0\navg_qc_sensitivity_under1: real (decimal). same but =0\n\n-------- LOSSES AND EXTIRPATIONS --------\nAll data in this section is related to native fish and qced data\n\ncurrent_richness: integer. QCed alpha richness for native fish species. Includes translocations\ncurrent_assemblage: Assemblage of qced native fish species in the HUC12. Includes translocations\n\nhistoric_richness: integer. QCed *historic* alpha richness for native fish species\nhistoric_assemblage: Assemblage of qced native fish species historically in the HUC12\n\nlosses: integer. Effectively, historic_richness - current_richess, except excludes translocations from current. Essentially, a count of extirpated species\nlosses_list: The assemblage of species extirpated from that HUC12.\ngains: integer. How many native fish taxa have been translocated into that HUC12\ngains_list. The assemblage of translocated species\n\nrichness_difference: integer. count of the number of species gained-lost (so # currently - # historically). When the layer is exported without translocations included, this # may not correctly include translocations.\n\n-------- JACCARD DISTANCES --------\nTo be updated later\n\n-------- DOWNSTREAM INFO --------\ndownstream_assemblage: Assemblage of species in the HUC12 downstream\n", "summary": "Mega Diversity layer. Generated by PISCES on 10/07/2014. See metadata and PISCES documentation for more info. ", "title": "MegaRichness", "tags": [ "richness", "PISCES", "fish", "diversity" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/{10F2C72D-A329-4675-90BE-9B4057EDCF17}.png", "url": "http://atlas.cws.ucdavis.edu:6080/arcgis/services/PISCESRichness/MegaRichness/MapServer", "extent": [ [ -124.718638391401, 32.0445283752632 ], [ -113.058442754711, 43.3531437000646 ] ], "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers", "accessInformation": "PISCES: A programmeable information system for management and analysis of aquatic species range data in California (Santos, Viers, Katz, and Moyle, 2014). Andy Bell, Rebecca Quinones, Jacob Katz, Peter Moyle, Nick Santos, Joshua Viers, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences. ", "licenseInfo": "" }